Friday, November 14, 2008

Potty, Big Boy Bed Disaster, Girl Time...

So Wednesday night I get off work and am heading home on 190 (George Bush). Since I am random I am going to insert a comment here. My friend who is not from Texas asked me why it is that all of our highways here have two names... no they don't I sad in quick defense... but oh how they do. Go ahead - tell me one highway in Dallas that does not have two names... mind boggling I know. Anyways, so I'm heading home on 190 and I hear this leprechaun like voice quietly say "Whheeeeeee" (like a possessed kid or something). You have to understand that I can't hear very good (seriously, I have otosclerosis and we'll save that topic for another day). My radio wasn't on and I thought was that something from outside??? But here I am going 70 on the highway and I knew that wasn't possible. I'm straining to hear and I hear the same psycho voice go, "Yeeeahhhhh!"... WHAT?! So, I'm looking all around the car (still driving on the highway) and I seriously contemplated pulling off the road and screaming DANGER DANGER! Not really, but how funny would that be?! Then I heard it... the song I recognize from Garrison's potty training days... I'm so big, look at me, I can use my own potty... I could go on but I won't for your sake. It was Garrison's talking, singing training potty that I still had in the back of my car. I was going to give to my sister in Houston and forgot and surprise, surprise it's still in my car. I felt like an IDIOT! Oh well... gave me a good laugh. Can you imagine me pulling over and calling the cops? The officer would come out and look for the culprit in the back of my car - "I found the problem maam - you have... a talking potty!" Oy vey...

So, Garrison is now sleeping in his big boy bed and I just happened to be in his room putting his laundry up and he was almost on the edge of the bed but I didn't want to be paranoid so I thought... I'll just scoot him over a little before I leave the room. I turned around to fold something and I heard this BOOM - he's on the floor! I'm laughing out loud right now remembering it which sounds so mean but you had to be there. So he kind of woke himself up, as I'm sure you would if you fell out of bed, and started crying. Then Garrett comes back there and was like... what was that noise??? haha! Poor baby! Funny thing was he went right back to sleep - just like his daddy!

My friend's birthday is coming up so we're going to dinner and a movie tonight. That should be fun but the movie isn't until about 10:00 and seeing as how my bedtime is 10:00 these days we'll have to see how that works out for me. Busy weekend - vet tomorrow for the dog (duh Juliana, who else would it be for?), shopping with mom, nap time (woo hoo!), church Sunday and birthday party Sunday afternoon. The birthday party by the way is for an old man who is a family friend. I asked my mom what I should get him... I'm thinking ball tightening cream. Any recommendations?

I realized last night as I was reading Garrison a book that I was actually reading to him and watching tv at the same time. I finally caught on that I had the book memorized. He has TONS of books but I could seriously sit here and recite you almost all of them word for word... not sure if that is good or bad.

I will leave you with a crazy haired Garrison sleeping. This is from a while back!

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