Wednesday, January 21, 2009

TAG, Jesus Poops?, Hair Mishap, Deer Carcass, Gym

Long title I know but it's been a while since I posted...

Here is a little "tag" project I read on Katy's blog. (Katy I have no idea how you do that fancy thing where they can click on your name and go right to your blog - do I sound like an old woman?)

Here were the instructions:
1. Go to the place where you store all of your pictures on your computer and open up the 4th folder
2. Open the 4th picture
3. Post the picture and give an explanation
4. Tag 4 people (sad part is while many of you read my blog I only have one "follower" - wow that sounds very cult like - so I will leave the tagging part out of this.)

Here is my picture:

This is Garrison holding his first carved pumpkin taken in October of '08. I told him not to lift the top off again and that I was going to get a picture of him but of course he took the top off while I was taking the picture. I love how well 3 year olds listen!

Last week I was in the bathroom with Garrison while he was going poo poo. (I love how my words stay three year old words when I retell the story.) Out of nowhere he asked me if Jesus poo poos... okay, I am usually really really good about answering questions but..... I had nothing... nothing! I said, well.... still nothing. So I said, "I know! Let's call KiKi!" (my sister who has all the Jesus question answers) So we call KiKi and she starts giving me this looooooong explanation about why Jesus doesn't poo poo - because Jesus died and is in heaven and now he is a spirit and he doesn't poo poo but so much more detailed then that. As cowardly as it was I didn't have the patience to explain the specifics of Jesus' death and resurrection to a three year old so thank the Lord (literally) when I got off the phone with her he started talking about his toys... whew! Close call.

So if any of you are on facebook I'm sure you have heard about my hair mishap. I'm sure you're tired of hearing about it because I'm tired of talking about it. I'm getting it fixed Friday so I'm excited about thatThe pictures say it all - here are a few:

My mom, Garrison, and I went to Houston last weekend. It was a short trip - drove in Saturday and came back Sunday - but nice to see KiKi and the kiddos... and Chris of course! (Isn't it funny how the dads and usually the moms get left out once kids come along - ha!) Anyways, on our trip home my mom was driving on 45 and we ended up behind these two hunters that had something in the bed of their truck that we couldn't quite identify. We got a little closer and realized it was in fact a deer carcass (I was about to say dead deer carcass but that's a little redundant now isn't it?). The deer was clean but sliced open down the middle and the meat had obviously been pulled out. As a side note I did not grow up in a hunting family but have come to understand the sport of hunting. I am completely and totally 100% against animal cruelty but I think as long as you are going to eat it the sport of hunting is fine and doesn't bother me in the least. (And I could NEVER do it myself.) Obviously since I didn't grow up that way my mom doesn't think the same way... haha! So... what does she do? She pulls up next to the truck (with two rednecks) and they speed up a little and she speeds up a little and gets in front of them. They were laughing hysterically in the rearview mirror. While I do not condone them driving down the highway with a deer carcass in their truck I can see the humor in it. My mom didn't. So they came around us and got right back in front of us again... so here we are (well not "we" but my mom as I was reading my book) staring at a deer carcass for a good 15 minutes until they exited into Redneckville! Sorry, mom but I just had to tell it. Now that brings me to a question for all of you. When do you think is an appropriate age to introduce hunting? Or do you think it's wrong all together?
I'm so proud of myself for getting back on track with the gym. I went every day last week (up at 4:40 am) to do my cardio. This week I didn't go Monday but I went yesterday and today. I'm also doing weights at the gym by my work on my lunch break. Feeling great (sore but great) so that's a good sign. Is it frustrating to anyone else though that when you start working out you get hungrier? What a vicious cycle! Oh well... off I go!


  1. Oh my gosh I can just see poor Marianne staring at poor dead Bambi in the back of the truck lol! That's the only way to get the deer back to the house from the wilderness is to put it in the truck bed!!! lol :) And I thought she grew up in Kemp??? j/k! I'll tell ya that my mom was so surprised the other day that Tanner told her that he was gonna go hunting with his Daddy and shoot a t deer and cook it and eat it! She almost had a heart attack! I couldn't quit laughing. She goes where'd he learn that?! I'm like Mom, most every dad of the kids Tanner goes to school with hunt...hello it's hunting season right now! Of course all the kids hear it at home! We're having deer tonight kids! Maybe it's only funny if you grew up East....and not in Plano lol ;)

  2. Not sure about the hunting thing. I sort of feel the same way you do. I'm going to let Justin decide how to introduce guns/shooting/hunting to James. I probably will have nothing to do with it.

    Here's the easiest way to insert a link in your page:
    While you're posting, click the icon that looks like a globe w/ a chain link fence. A box pops up and you can type the URL of the page there. Let's say you want to show some one a pair of red shoes at Macy's. You'd type in the web address for the shoes -- for example: www.macyscom/sexyshoes and then hit enter. The code automatically pastes into your post and will look like this:

    Then you type in the words you want hyperlinked between the two 'carrots.' So it looks like this:
    Awesome RED Shoes

    Only the words Awesome RED Shoes will show up in your post, and when you click there, it will take you to the Macy's page.

    Just an example, of course.

  3. Hmm... it didn't show my code example. I'll email you.
