Monday, March 16, 2009

Hearing, Vow Renewal

Okay... I just typed an entire post and it somehow got deleted before I coudl post... grrrrrr!

I have been asked to give an update on how my surgery went and here it is:

I can hear!!! More specifically...
- kids playing on playground after walking out of my post op appointment
- my high heels clicking on the hospital floor after my appointment
- running over the grate in the parking lot
- rain on the roof
- my TV volume at 20 instead of 30 (how I used to listen to it)
- I no longer read lips
- Garrison whispering
- the click of the light switch when I turn it on

The list goes on and on. I'm shortening this post because I don't want to retype everything I just did so I'm either sorry or you're lucky. haha. Surgery went very well. They only did local anesthetic so they could test my hearing after to make sure it was successful. I was nervous about that at first but grateful looking back because I knew right away the surgery worked. Really nauseous after but doc put alcohol soaked cotton ball on my nose and told me to inhale deeply and that helped a ton. I basically had to lay in the bed for 4 hours without moving. Had to use bed pan to pee first time in my life... that was not a pleasant experience to say the least. Car ride home was actually okay. Basically had to lay on couch for 4 days, felt ok day 5, and back to work on Monday. Thank you all for the prayers. I'm so blessed that this was successful. Have to get the second surgery but waiting about a year for that. Had an awesome doc that people even from out of state highly recommend so let me know if you are looking for a good ear doc. (adults and kids)

My parents' 30th vow renewal was this past weekend. Awesome! I was super nervous becuase I found out a week before I was supposed to sing with my sis while our cousin Nick played the guitar. It ended up going good though so glad that was done. We had a great time and I really miss my sister and fam. Can't wait until they move here. Here are the pictures.

Can't wait until Thursday - Mickey and Minnie's Magical Adventure: Disney on Ice. Bridget, Tanner, Mom, Garrison, and I are going. Garrison is beyond excited!!!

I'll keep you updated.



  1. Awesome! I'm so glad it went well. Just imagine how much you'll hear after the other ear is done!! I'm happy for you. :)

  2. Congratulations on the success of the surgery!
    It sounds like a similar feeling of discovery when I got glasses.

    Hey - are Kristen and Chris moving to be closer to you and your folks?

    I am so glad you can hear my love!
    I am so relieved.
    I love you!
