Friday, October 2, 2009

Sorry for the wait...

I know all my fans out there have been eagerly anticipating my next blog (only kidding) but wait no longer, here I am... with nothing much to say. HA!

About 2 weeks ago I was in the Wal Mart parking lot (you're shocked I know) on my lunch break and this old man was just standing there with his empty cart and looking around. He appeared to be looking for someone to give it to so he wouldn't have to walk it over to the cart return cage. I felt so bad for him so I walked up to him and said, "Can I take that for you?" "Do you need it" he says. "No, I just thought I would help you out" was my reply. He touched my shoulder and as ashamed to admit it as I am I jumped back a little. "You're so sweet honey. I can get it myself though, thanks" was all he had to say. My point is, isn't it funny how in 2009 we are shocked by physical contact with a stranger? It was totally normal years ago for a stranger to perform a simple gesture like touching your shoulder when they talked to you. And here I am with this 80 year old man thinking, "Oh my gosh, is he going to drug and rape me? Did someone else pay him to stand here and trap a poor unsuspecting girl so they can rape and rob her?" Okay, so it wasn't that extreme, but it just made me sit back and think maybe I need not be SO paranoid all the time. A little human contact is what all of us need every now and then. As an aside, I love people. I mean, how cute are they - when they aren't driving 20 in a 40 when you're in a hurry that is.

So nothing new with us really. Still working, taking care of the kiddo, Garrett still in school. Garrison is growing up WAY too fast. Yesterday when he was getting ready for school he was slightly, okay REALLY, grumpy. As soon as I left his room he slammed the door. I went back to my bathroom to finish getting ready. I could hear him yelling across the house in what I can only describe as a testosterone induced voice of a 15 year old boy. I sat there with my mouth hanging open. Surely a 15 year old wandered into our house and that wasn't my sweet, precious 4 year old son. I went around the corner and realized it was in fact my sweet, precious son but now somehow an older and angrier looking 4 year old. I realized right then and there I have eveolved into a new stage of parenting when I leaned down and took his face in my hands and said, "Slamming doors in this house is completely unacceptable. Do you understand me?" And my precious boy was back, "Yes ma'am!" There! Now that problem was solved... until next time.

It's funny how you have to change your discipline tactics when they get to a new stage. If this incident would have happened before I might have calmly sat him down and said, "Garrison, I understand you're frustrated right now, but let's not slam doors okay?" Pretty sure that wouldn't have worked on him at this stage. Don't get me wrong though - he's still one of the sweetest and well behaved kids I know. Okay, so I'm a little partial.

I am loving the start of fall weather. My body, however, is not. Garrison was sick last weekend with an "adnoid virus". Basically he had lots of snot but no infection. Damn, I missed my calling as a doctor, I know. But now I have either that or something like it. I am finally giving in and going to the doctor this afternoon. I hate being sick, but would hate even more to be at the urgent care clinic this weekend with all the swine flu patients. And as Dolly Parton/Truvy would say, "There's a story there..."

Last weekend after Garrison having a high temp all day Saturday I decided to take him to the pediatric urgent care clinic on Sunday. They open at 11 and we were there at 11:02. The waiting room was already PACKED and half the kids had masks on their faces. Nice... But we stayed anyways. Garrison was feeling okay at that point- poster child for Motrin, that kid is. He was watching Cinderella (okay WE were watching Cinderella - I LOVE that movie) with all the other kids. He was dancing and playing and asking about the "mouses" (yes, being the grammar freak I am I said, "yeah the MICE"?). I'm sure all the other parents were trying to figure out what we were doing there as they sat their with their high fevered, eyes glazed over, coughing, hacking kids. We went on back to the room and he literally marched back saying, "Hup 2, 3, 4, Hup 2, 3, 4..." and I have to admit I was somewhat embarassed that he wasn't acting sick. HA!

I'm hoping I feel better tomorrow so I can get some cleaning done around the house... my house is DISGUSTING! One of my dogs sheds like crazy and it gets to the point where I just give up and get to it when I can - which is very rare. I'd like to know if you are a full time working mom how often you clean your house. PLEASE be honest... I need to show your comments to my husband so he has proof that I'm not the only one who lacks in this department. You know what would be even better? Tell me what, if anything, your hubby does around the house. Hell yeah I'm showing Garrett this list...

Have a great weekend everyone!



  1. I obviously should have edited my blog before posting.

    *I love OLD people is what I meant to say.
    *evolved, not eveolved

    I told you I'm a grammar freak.

  2. Nice to see you back!
    Justin and I share the cleaning pretty equally. Usually every weekend we'll pick a task or two to take care of. But a huge, full-on top to bottom house cleaning really never happens. At least not at one time.

  3. Hmmmm... cleaning is my biggest challenge. I hired a lady to come in 2 times a month last Jan and each visit was $80 but it was sooo worth it! That way I only had to surface clean in between plus she folded 5-6 loads of clothes for me!! I had to quit in July so I could use that $ for some other things but I can't wait to get her back. AND, hell no, Bruce doesn't clean. He thinks cleaning is emptying the dishwasher or doing laundry...forget the floors or inches of dust/cat hair! YOu're not alone my sometime, love & miss you. Chelesa
