Monday, December 22, 2008

STATIC! Funny or not so funny words? Out of the mouths of babes!

I normally don't post so close together like this but I just have to share my static experience. I woke up this morning to my hair CLINGING to my face. Since I just dyed it last night I should wait a couple days to wash it since it dries out so much. So I brushed it (smart move Juliana) only to see that it got even crazier. I remembered mine and my sister's trick from good old high school days... I went straight to the laundry room and rubbed not one, not two, but THREE dryer sheets on my hair. Ahhhh, much better. Then I get to work and it's like a cloak of hair around my face. I felt like the bearded woman!!! I try to be all sly about it and swipe the hair away from my face only to have it suction back onto my cheeks again - ugh! A girl I work with told me to put a little lotion on my hands and rub it into my hair - so I used ADVANCED moisture lotion thinking I'd turn into a greaseball - not so much - still static. I give up...

Garrett thinks it's oh so funny to teach Garrison these lovely words - I'll just give you a few - fart, titty wackers, talliwacker (what's up with the wacker words?). It's kind of funny to hear him use these words at home but not when we're in public. It's hard for Garrett to understand that because I'm usually always the one out in public with Garrison. If we're at the grocery store, getting his hair cut, or (worst of all) at church and he accidentally passes gas... I literally am talking his ear off trying to change the subject so he doesn't bust out with, "I FARTED MOMMY!" for all the world to hear. So cute, right? Not so much.

When we were at the arboretum on Saturday we were waiting in line for the carriage ride. There happened to be a man walking by us with some type of handicap. His hands were curved in and he was obviously physically disabled. Well Garrison starts yelling out... MAN HANDS MAN HANDS MAN HANDS!!! Awesome... once again wishing I could crawl into a hole. I know people are understanding of this but what am I supposed to do? Apologize? Explain why the man's hands are that way to Garrison in front of the man? Oy vey... it can't be much worse than the time my cousin Morgan (now 14 or 15 - gosh time flies) was about Garrison's age. We were at church in the parish hall and this woman who... I'm already laughing out loud... walked bent over at the waist at a 90 degree angle was walking in front of Morgan. Well he thought she was playing a game so he too bent down at a 90 degree angle and was walking behind her around the parish hall. We were trying to dodge through people to get him so as not to embarass her but he just thought they were playing a game. Man kids are funny!

Okay, well I really am done posting until after Christmas unless something eventful happens in my oh so exciting life - like an incident at the grocery store or sitting at home tonight! ha!

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