Sunday, February 1, 2009

Kisses, Snot Pot, Mommy's Medicine?, Marriage - right age?

We had a great time this weekend with my sister Kristin and Chris and the boys. Will is PRECIOUS! He gives kisses by leaning his head down and putting it on you. He did this to me so many times this weekend and it made me feel so good since he didn't used to be the most affectionate kiddo. I absolutely love my nephews and Garrison of course loves his cousins. Him and Will are so cute to watch. By the way we are trying to break Garrison of the habit of calling Will "Baby Will" which is what we've called him since he was born (my fault). My brother-in-law Chris pointed out that it will be pretty funny when they are in college and Garrison says Hey Baby Will... haha! Good point and we are trying SO hard to break him of that now.

So I went to the doc Friday and apparently I have rhinitus (too lazy to look up correct spelling right now). So instead of antibiotics I was told to buy a "nasal irrigation kit". Really?! So I went to Walgreen's and bought this watering can looking thing with packets of sinus wash. You mix this packet with lukewarm water and literally put the tip of the "kettle" into a nostril and lean your head the other way and the water drains out of your other nostril. It's by far the weirdest thing I've ever done. Chris dubbed it the "snot pot". It is awful and I hate it but I have to admit that it works like a charm. I hope I don't have to use the snot pot much longer. And pretty sure I won't be taking that to work. How cute would that be? I'd be in the kitchen doing my snot pot over the sink and the fed ex guy would come in and I'd do a little wave as snot is running out of my nostrils. Awesome...

I went with my best friend the other day to her final dress fitting for her wedding gown. I had to take ... OKAY... sorry for the interruption (as if you know I was just interrupted) but that scared the beJesus out of me. I'm home with Garrison (who is in bed) because Garrett is at a Superbowl party. I just heard this noise and it scared me a little so I looked up and I see Garrison walking toward me. Let me just say he NEVER comes out of his room. He might stay awake and get out of bed but never comes out of his room. This has just led me a whole new set of fears. I am not an overprotecting mom by any means but all I can think of is locks locks lock. Higher up on the front door, on the garage door, on the back door, and most importantly on our bedroom door - yikes! Okay, now where was I? ..... oh yes, so I had to take Garrison with me to the bridal store. If you've ever been to a bridal store you know that they can be a bit uppity at times. So we're in the dressing room and Garrison was being so patient - as patient as a 3 year old can be - and apparently he was going through my purse. All of a sudden he held up my tampon and I said, "Baby, that's mommy's medicine. Put it back." This is what I call it because if you have kids you know that they will repeat EVERYTHING you say and I don't want him saying "tampon" in the middle of a restaurant or Wal Mart. Anyways, he held it up and said as LOUD as he possibly could... "You stick this up your butt?!" Natalie busted out laughing and I didn't even know what to say. First of all, of course he says "bo bo" EVERY other time he refers to bottom and this one time he had to say BUTT to make it that much more offensive. If you don't understand what he meant he calls a girls' private a bo bo because to him it looks like a butt. And I don't think three is the appropriate age for me to explain the difference to him. And for the record I don't ever do that in front of him but I think he saw me do it once and was probably traumatized. So there you have it. Everyone in Alfred Angelo probably looks at me as the freak mom who's kid knows what a tampon is or thinks I do weird things with mine... ugh! The joys of being a mom.

I said it in my last blog but my parents are about to celebrate their 30th Anniversary. Amazing! We took them to Maggiano's Sat night and I gathered tons of pics and my sister put together an awesome DVD and book for them. It was really great and they loved it! Great weekend! I'm sure I've said this before but my parents have always taught me that the key to marriage is communication. I agree and to that I want to add humor. I've also said this before but marriage IS HARD! It's not easy. It's so so so worth it though. In the beginning Garrett and I fought a lot even though we had dated for four years before we were married. We learned to communicate though and we also laughed more than we fought. We laugh daily with or at each other and it's what keeps things fun! Garrison loves to laugh and have a good time and I know it's because of what he sees in us. I hope that we can learn to be as good of examples to our kids as my parents were to both of us (since Garrett and I practically grew up together). That's something else I wanted to mention. (By the way, if you are still reading this you are either really bored or oddly find my life interesting in some way.) A lot of women I meet say that they think girls should wait until their 30s and some have said 40s to get married. They say that they didn't really know themselves until that stage of their lives. I am not judging and I am certainly not saying my opinion is right. But to back my theory up all of the people who have told me that have been divorced at least once. I agree that women (and men) change throughout life and will continue to change. I think we learn from our experiences and we grow from them. But I hardly think that there is a "magic age" to marriage. Was 19 young for me to get married? Definitely. Would it have been any easier if I would have waited? I can say without a doubt it would not have been. It drives me crazy how people blame their "first divorce" on the fact that they were "just too young". Again, I'm not judging, but just saying I do not understand that concept. For me at least God has used our "low points" as huge learning experiences for us. It has been these times that have made our marriage what it is today and what it will continue to be. I don't really have a point to this except if you are single and reading this don't put an age on when you will be married. You might pass up on someone or something really wonderful!

I wish I had some pics of this weekend to post but of course I forgot my camera. So I will post some when Kristin sends them to me.



  1. Just wanted you to know, I read through your whole blog and wasn't bored! I found it interesting! Very insightful and I couldn't agree more about the marriage thing!Too many times people use age and silly things like that as an's hard, but defnitely do-able. The question is, how hard are you willing to work at it? Good blog!

  2. Same here - I just read two postings and not bored at all. I love reading what's going on with you. AND hearing about all the funny things Garrison is up to is highly entertaining to me. =)
    You should write a book. ; )
