Thursday, January 29, 2009

Why?, Amen, Bugs, Jeep, Anniversary

I was reading a couple of news articles online earlier and let me just say - this is why I don't read the news. It is so depressing! I first came across the story of the apparent murder suicide of a family of four in Ohio. Everyone thought this was the "perfect family". This man was recently laid off from work but had just gotten his job back. His wife was a stay at home mom. Their kids were home from school on a snow day. Apparently he killed them all and then himself. The next story was a another murder suicide in California. The mom and dad PLANNED it... you heard me... PLANNED! They were both recently laid off from their jobs at the hospital and decided to kill their three kids and themselves. Then I read about the dad in Australia who threw his four year old over a bridge and had his two boys in the car. The paramedics worked on her for almost an hour and she is in critical condition now. It was over a custody battle.

Why? I just don't understand. I have not had any experience with someone close to me committing suicide and for that I know that I am blessed beyond belief. I know that there are people out there who have nothing and nobody to turn to. While I do not condone suicide in any way, shape, or form, I think if you want to kill yourself, go right ahead... but your kids? And to PLAN it? It is and always has been beyond me how anyone could harm their child much less kill them. I understand that some people are mentally unstable but how can you not recognize the signs of that before it gets bad and do something about it? It just makes me so incredibly sad. And how can people blame the economy for the increased suicide numbers? Does one really think it's better to take away their child's future because they won't be able to make ends meet? How many examples have you seen of people who were raised dirt poor and came out of it on top - and stronger? I was at Wal Mart on my lunch break and this lady walked up to me with a note in the parking lot. I read the first line - I have to younger brothers... and I stopped. I told her "No" and she said "Please?". It is unfortunate that as much as I want to help someone I don't know who to trust. I don't want to be heartless but I also don't want to be dumb. How did I know she wasn't going to try and take me somewhere or some man wasn't going to come grab me from behind? You just never know. And you know what? I still don't feel bad if it was a real situation and she needed money or whatever she was asking for. You don't go sneaking through parking lots hitting people up for money - you just don't. Wow, I'm on a roll today!

This morning we were saying our prayers on the way to daycare and usually I'll say... "Did you say Amen?" to Garrison. This morning we got to daycare and I opened his door to get him out of his carseat and he still had his little hands folded. I asked what he was doing and he said, "I didn't say Amen Mama!"... how cute is that? So he said... "Aaaaaamen!" and his morning was complete. It's funny how something we do every day out of habit is a necessity for him now. I love that about kids. We get so caught up in our daily lives that everything just becomes routine. Not for him - he really thinks about what we pray about every morning which is how it should be. He always reminds me to pray for the brave firemen (and Godpapa Tony) when we pass the fire station. Too cute!

Garrett FINALLY got a car. A Jeep to be exact. I am SOOOOOOO glad. He has a work truck but can't drive it to school or on the weekends. I will no longer be a prisoner on the nights he has school nor will I have to plan my weekends around if/when he needs the car. YAY!!! I'll have to take a picture and post it on here. I have to say I love Jeeps. He's had about three of them and I stressed (Lordy did I ever stress) that this is NOT one of his old Jeeps that was a toy (when we were living the military life and just had money to go buy another one). He used to love to go mudding. I think we went through two while in the military. haha!

My mom and dad are celebrating their 30th Anniversary on Feb 3rd. My sister and her family are coming in town to celebrate this weekend. How incredible is that? 30 years! And they are still (truly) as happy as they were the day they got married. I hope it will be like that for me and Garrett. Marriage is damn hard - no lie. It takes compromise and sacrifices. But hopefully with good communication, laughter, and God we will get there one day too! By the way, we are celebrating our 6th in February also. I'll leave you with a picture of the Happy Couple - didn't I tell you they were just as happy as the day they married?



  1. Oh my goodness! I LOVE the Amen story! He even had his little hands folded? Oohh...I can't wait for things like that! :0)

  2. You know Jules, I think it's so great that you pray together as a family with Garrison. It's so good to give that kind of solid foundation to a child. You really really are a good mom.
    I hope to be one some day - but sometimes, seeing you with him is a little intimidating. ; )
    I miss you.
