Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Election Day!

I really don't plan on blogging every day but lately I've felt the need to share some random things. First of all, Happy Election Day! Garrett bought a gun yesterday for us to have in the house for protection. He was dead set on getting one before election day and he managed to do that. There is no telling what the stipulations will be on buying a handgun after this election - or if we could even buy one for that matter. He showed it to me last night and taught me how to cock it (who came up with this term by the way) and everything. We are planning to go shoot it this weekend for practice. Watch out! Juliana is ARMED! :)

This morning I was driving into work and I heard a political ad on the radio. My mouth was literally hanging open after I heard it. Let me preface this story by saying I am in no way shape or form a prejudice person. But I think that is why the ad shocked me! It starts out with this RAP music... seriously... and this black guy gets on and asks all voters to vote straight ticket Democrat. That is all fine and good I guess but then he ends it - I'm NOT kidding... are you ready?... with "So get out 'der and VOTE ... Aiiiiite?" and then it trails off with the rap music. Are you KIDDING me? This insults my intelligence so surely it insults the people who are actually voting democrat. That would be like a Republican running an ad that starts with a country song about someone losing their dog and truck and then asking them vote straight ticket republican and ending it with, "Y'all get out there and vote now, ya' hear?" It seems like a complete stereotype to me. Oh well... enough of that!

So last night I had some grocery shopping to do. I recently discussed this with my friend, Bridget. When I go grocery shopping after work I feel like I am on that old game show, Supermarket Sweep. You know where they start the clock and the contestants run through the aisles grabbing things, never stopping? Go here to see a clip and refresh your memory: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSwmFurzkpQ I did a week's worth of grocery shopping in 15 minutes. Amazing! I fear that I am starting to develop some of my mom's habbits though. Instead of writing out my grocery list I typed it out yesterday afternoon and if that wasn't bad enough I put it in order. For instance, I started with bottled water and face wash as they are on the left side of the store and then I had chicken breasts and all frozen foods which were the next aisle over, etc. At first I was embarassed and then just plain proud that I could get all that accomplished in such a short period of time. I do have a confession to make though - I stole bottled water! I didn't mean to. I usually leave the bottled water in my buggy (thanks for teaching me the word buggy by the way Mom) because they can just type in a code for it at the cash register. I completely forgot it was in there until after I paid. But instead of going and standing back in line I just walked out of the store - isn't that awful? If my sister were with me, she would have made me go back and stand in line - no matter how long it was! haha - gotta' love her! Speaking of my sister, here is a picture of her and Will playing the piano - so cute!


  1. Ok Jewelz I now fully expect you to continue entertaining me everyday with your blogging hahaha :) j/k...but cute stories...I totally feel ya about the grocery shopping thing. I am off on Thursday...first day off in a long time and this...get ready...is what I'm excited about...going grocery shopping without the kids! LOL...sooo pathetic...but I'm going to take my time with my huge list I've made, cause I haven't gone grocery shopping in TWO weeks! ohhhh such is the life of a mom of two I guess ;) Love you!

  2. OMG... my mouth would have been hanging open too. A lot of things surrounding this election have left me flabbergasted...haha good word huh? But keep on keepin' on eh?

    So, the grocery list. I TOTALLY DO THAT. I type it up and put it in order of the aisles. And I try not to stray from my list. To make things worse I actually start out with an unorganized written copy and then type it. hahahha LOVE IT!
