Monday, November 3, 2008

Still learning...

I just realized you can title your posts - how exciting! It really doesn't take much to excite me these days.

Well, we had a super busy weekend! Friday night, I took Spiderman aka Garrison trick or treating with Garrett and my parents aka The Tacky Tourists. Garrison was so excited this year which made it so much fun for me. He ran into his room and saw his costume hanging on the door and said, "I get my dress on now?" He then thought for a minute and said, "Noooo! Boys don't wear dresses!" I love that when he catches himself and continues his conversation as if I'm not there. And yes, you heard me right - my parents dressed up! Last year they were pirates and this year... tacky tourists. They never tell us what they will be beforehand. Instead I await the ringing of the doorbell and the big unveiling. Although this year it wasn't as exciting because they popped in all full of excitement only to find that Garrison wasn't there yet. My mother in law had taken him out for an early dinner. My dad went from vivacious tacky tourist to mopey "do I have to wear this" regular guy. Oh, the things he does for my mom!

We left for Houston on Saturday and had a great time with the family. My grandmama forgot her clothes for church Sunday so we spent about an hour or more Saturday night trying to find something for her to wear. She finally settled on a pair of my mom's jeans that were about 4 inches too long. "No problem" she says! We'll just used duct tape. This reminds me of the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding where the dad thinks Windex is the cure for everything. So, my mom duct tapes up her pants (picture included for your viewing pleasure) and we spent the evening watching a fashion show of her trying on my sister's shirts. Who needs TV when you have the Gerber family!?

Ben was baptized Sunday morning along with Baby James and another baby whose name escapes me at the moment. The baptism was great and all babies were actually silent throughout - a miracle in itself. Big Congrats to Nicholas and the praise band who are doing an awesome job! As a side note, I have to say I felt the power of the Holy Spirit move through me more in this school cafeteria (long story) than I have at any "church" in a long time. It goes to show that where "two or more are gathered in His name, there will He be also". At this very moment in that cafeteria sits tables full of 12 year olds chowing down on their french fries and leftover candy from Halloween where I just sat 24 hours ago watching the miracle of baptism take place. That gives me hope for the future as far as the state of our church is concerned and what we are going through here. You really can be anywhere as a church family worshipping and praising God. Amazing...

On a heavier note, Garrett's dad is still in and out of the hospital. It has been a long process and prayers are much appreciated for Gary, Donna, Garrett and the rest of the family at this time.

Well, back to work I go. I had to take a little break because the copy machine and I just had a fight - I lost and the copy machine guy (who I'm sure loves being called "the copy machine guy") is on his way! Maybe to make up for his boring title and probably more boring job I will stand at the door and greet him with enthusiasm and a cheer... three cheers for the copy machine guy - Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!!!... then again maybe not!

Don't forget to vote... but only if you're voting for McCain!!! :)


  1. Silent????? James chatted the whole time like he was visiting a long lost friend! Maybe it wasn't as loud if you weren't standing right beside him! Good to see you guys yesterday. Maybe next time things will be a bit calmer and we can visit more.

  2. Your parental units crack me up! I can so totally see them Trick or Treating as the Tacky Tourists. I wish I had had more time than just a quick hello on Sunday. BTW the name that escapes you for the 3rd baptism was Nicholas. And James, while a bit chatty, was a riot and absolutely adorable!
