Tuesday, November 11, 2008

People are reading this???

Happy Veterans' Day! I am humbled and honored to remember all those who have served for our country today!

I'm still new to this so I thought somehow I would be notified when people commented on my blog (maybe the blogger fairy would pop up on my screen and say "1 new comment") but I guess not. Anyways, thanks for reading! I hope I haven't made you leave my blog feeling less intelligent than when you started reading - HA!

Let me start with a funny story! Sunday we took my aunt to Gloria's at Firewheel for her birthday lunch. My dad has started a tradition and he took Garrison next door to Popcorn Papas afterward to get some candy. They picked out an orange sucker and my dad told him he could have it after his nap. We drove to my parents' that night to have dinner and I gave Garrison his sucker in the car. With the time change it was already pitch black outside by 6:00 so he was licking his sucker all the way there. We got to their house and he kept licking his sucker outside. About 30 minutes after he started on this sucker we went inside and I looked down at his sucker and GASPED out loud. There was a grasshopper INSIDE this sucker. As if that wasn't bad enough he'd been licking on the top of the grasshopper's head for a while. We all passed it around and inspected it and decided it was definitely real. Ugh!!! My mom called the store the next day and we found out they do in fact sell these - as well as scorpion and worm suckers! How cute (sense the sarcasm)! My mom said they would have to wear their reading glasses next time they went in their so they knew what they were buying. Oh well - at least Garrison can say he's tried grasshoppers next time someone asks him. :)

My baby boy is now sleeping in a "big boy bed". We converted his crib (way overdue) into a daybed. He LOVES it! He wakes up every morning and jumps out of bed and onto the floor like a superhero! And he has informed Garrett the past two mornings that he slept in a big boy bed - as if Garrett didn't know. Too cute!

To those of you out there who haven't experienced mommyhood yet I can't wait until you do. I love the way Garrison looks at me with unconditional love and pure innocence in his eyes. No matter what I do he will love me and that is the most amazing feeling. I think it's kind of ironic the way God makes families - it gives me a small glimpse of how much God must really love us. I still cannot understand how He loves Garrison more than I do but nevertheless He does! Becoming a mom will without a doubt change the way you look at life and view the world. I now have a mommy view of everything. And with all the amazing experiences that come with being a mom also comes this new sense of paranoia. I had to have a talk with Garrison about... how can I put this... that nobody is allowed to touch him except Mommy and Daddy! This was such a surreal talk to have with a 3 year old but SO important! I told Garrett I want to keep Garrison in a bubble forever - can you order those somewhere?! Seriously though for all you moms out there - I talked to Garrison's doctor and he said this is a conversation that should be started early and it should not be a one time conversation. It should be ongoing - not to scare your kids - but to keep them informed and SAFE! Okay, I'm getting off my soapbox now and I will leave you with something amazing I heard on the radio this morning.

I listen to Kidd Kraddick in the morning every morning on my way to work. They do a Kidd's Kids trip every year where they take terminally or chronically ill kids and their families to Disney to get away from everything - all the stresses and stuff - here at home. They were interviewing the mom of one of the kids (a 6 year old girl with multiple, multiple health problems) this morning. She said the doctors told her their daughter's quality of life would not be good and she would not live very long (basically trying to convince her it wasn't worth having her when she was pregnant) but they saw this child as a blessing from God and went through with having her. They have had many many problems along the way but they are still a family. Her husband had a good job and the company he was working for could not deal with the time he had to take off for their sick daughter so he was let go. He had to start his own landscaping company and now they have to pay for private health insurance (which is basically all their income since the girl is so sick). They bring in under $30K per year and have another daughter as well. The mom can't work because she has to be with her sick child. The point is, this woman had the most positive outlook on life, probably because she realizes how precious it is. She said she wakes up every morning and realizes that each new day with their daughter is a blessing from God and she couldn't be more grateful for that. I just wanted to share that with y'all because it helps me put my "problems" in perspective.

I am leaving y'all with a picture of a dog named Marley (10 month old female Akita) who needs a home. Her owner is dying of cancer and wants to find a good home for her - she will pay for the dog to be spayed. She lives in the Frisco/Colony area (Dallas). Let me know if you know of anyone that might be interested.

1 comment:

  1. Great "random thoughts" for today! My jaw is still on the floor over the whole sucker thing.

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