Thursday, November 6, 2008

Shots, Cowboys, Sick, Job, Nat, Workout...

I know the title is confusing but HELLO - that's why this is called "Random Thoughts"! :)

I'll at least go in order for you - Garrison had his 2 year well check up... a year late... yesterday. I know - I feel like an awful mom. But I have to say it has been SO nice not having to take him to the doctor in the last year. His first two years of life we were regulars and by regulars I mean at least once a week. He was always so sick and what a blessing for us both to not have to go through that anymore. I picked him up at daycare yesterday and told him we were going to the doctor. I assured him he wasn't sick so it would be a "fun visit"... right! I didn't realize he would be getting shots. Long story short - everything looks great, he's growing good, great social and verbal progress... and then came in the nurses - DUM, DUM, DUM!!!!!!! They tag teamed and let me just tell you he got one shot in each leg and these nurses had needles in, out, bandaids on, and pants up in under 5 seconds - AMAZING! I was telling them they should be in a record book. Garrison didn't seem to impressed - just angry! But I got ice cream after and oh how quickly forgot about his "traumatic experience". :)

We were having a great day and then Garrett came home from work sick as a dog! I felt so bad for him because I think he has what I had a couple weeks ago. Kept me out of work for 4 days and put me in the ER for meningitis scare - yikes! At least we won't have to go through all that with him. And while I really do feel AWFUL for him I'm hoping I won't have to make dinner all week - how selfish is that?!

I got a massage last night and it was INCREDIBLE but I am feeling the aftermath today. This guy had his elbows jammed into my back and at the time I was so excited he was getting all my knots out but today not so ecstatic about that. Oh well - much needed!

This morning we put Garrison's Dallas Cowboys t-shirt on (still holding out hope for our boys) and I told him they weren't doing so hot but that we were still rooting for them. I wish I never would have started that conversation... he follows that comment up with "Why mommy"? (Oh yes, we have officially entered the Why stage.) I told him I didn't think we were doing well because Romo wasn't playing - he then asks... you guessed it... "Why"? So I told him because Romo hurt his pinky... well he thought I said tootsie (foot)... finally he understood that he hurt his pinky. And so he asks how he hurt his pinky. This went on and on and on and was way too long of a conversation for me at 6:30 in the morning. I'm pretty sure I won't be talking about the Cowboys again with him for a while.

I love my job! My office is great (yes, I actually have my own office - yeah!), the people are great, I laugh out loud at least once a day about something or someone at work, researching claims is super interesting, I'm learning so much, and I'm finally somewhere that I feel like I can stay forever. Super exciting!

I gained a whopping 60 lbs with Garrison - crazy I know. After I had him I kept eating like I was eating for two - not good. I lost about 30 lbs pretty much right after having him - dont' be proud of me - it was water weight. I wish I had a picture to post of me in the hospital with him - haha, I looked like I would have POPPED if you poked me! In the last few months I've lost almost 20 lbs so that is good but I REALLY need to start working out again. And I actually have motivation - my best friend is getting married in 7 months and I have to get myself into a beautiful bridesmaid dress (it really is pretty which I'm so excited about. Have you SEEN some of these bridesmaid dresses lately - ugh!) I used to drag my ass out of bed at 4:40 every morning to go to the gym and I can't seem to do it anymore. I'm eating better but the working out part is killing me! I promise to go tonight or tomorrow morning. Once I get back in a routine it will become habit... I'm hoping. Wish me luck!

I'm leaving you with a picture of me and my best friend, Nat - the one getting married in June! By the way, this was at my bday party - how is it that she still looks beautiful after a few drinks and I look like that??? Ugh!

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